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Friday, May 10, 2013

Well this is final's week for me... yes, I know it's Friday... but my first final was this morning. This test was a couple of practical test. We had to make Mayonnaise in 20 minutes from scratch. It's actually fairly easy, but can be messed up without much effort. I did well on that part and scored a perfect 100%!

The second part of the practical exam was our knife cut exam. There are 9 different cuts that had to be made. Most of the cuts had to be done 10 to 12 times each. We were graded on size, proportion and consistency. We were also graded on the clean up of our stations. I got a 93% on this part of the exam! I was beside myself! This was the one part of the four exams that I must take, that I was the least confident in, so to nail it down like that was HUGE.

Next week I have 3 written exams and 2 more practical exams, plus a national certification exam. The written exams are all on safety, sanitation and French cooking history. The two practicals are on equipment identification and then spice/oil/vinegar identification. Needless to say I will be studying a BUNCH this weekend.

I know it's not cool to brag or toot one's horn... but was SO happy to get through all of this with such high grades... I had to brag a little.

So... until next time:

Bon Appetit

Monday, May 6, 2013

Well it has been a while since I wrote anything (not that anyone noticed since no one is following this) and I felt the need to do an update.

I am at the end of my first block of Culinary school. I am enrolled at Le Cordon Bleu in Atlanta. I am having an absolutely amazing experience. My Chef Instructors are extremely knowledgeable and helpful. And one is  a stand up comedian without a stage!

I am learning traditional French cooking techniques, knife skills, and general kitchen and food safety. At times it has been a bit overwhelming, but so far it's one hell of a ride! I will try to do more updates along the way. For now I will leave you with a picture of me cooking in class.